The voices of family businesses

Lonely hiker on a mountain ridge
© David Marcu / Unsplash

Every start-up actually begins as a family business. But why do some entrepreneurs persevere? What vision do they follow? What role do the shareholders fulfil? How do they view their responsibility? How do they drive innovation? What do they want to pass on to future generations? What do they enjoy – and what makes them angry?

    • #YesToEn­tre­pre­neur­ship

      What does entrepreneurship mean to you, Dr Marquardt?

      Voices from the business world 19.07.23
      Zu sehen ist der Familienunternehmer Dr. Harald Marquardt.
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Shareholder
    • #YesToEn­tre­pre­neur­ship

      What does entrepreneurship mean to you, Mrs Herold?

      Voices from the business world 09.03.23
      Zu sehen ist Sabine Herold, geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin der DELO Industrie Klebstoffe GmbH & Co. KGaA.
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Shareholder

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